Saturday, August 7, 2021

My own art soft ware

 In the future My own art software will be like a software that you can draw your own 3D shapes from scratch and drag it into the tool box..

For example in most 3D software's they have to shapes for you but you can create your own by drawing it into 2D first then click on the 3D button and here is you own  3D shape. Lets say you want to make your own 3D characters as good as the ones in the movie get or draw a 2D picture of you character final click the 3d button and their is your 3D Character that looks as good as the ones in the movies.

Usually in blender you have to get 2D images of a 2D Cartoon Character then use the 3D shapes to trace over your character. In my software you do not have to do that because if you get a image of a 2D character all you have to do is click on the button and it will make your character 3D .

You can  make you own Toys and music on my software to you can sing into my computer software and then the instrument's in the background will exactly play the music the way you sing the song.

You can even make dolls as good a Barbie and Action Figure as good as the one on TV in this software.

In my software you can also make you own color wheel for example on the color wheel their is 4 color red ,yellow, blue and white but you can mix the colors on the software to. 

This is how you mix colors into the art soft ware you click on red plus blue and you get purple or red plus yellow will give you orange. 

My software will be the most advanced art software on the planet. Lets say you want to make a 3D car in my art soft ware draw you car in 2D and the click on the 3D skin Button and you will get a 3D car.

                       This is how the make a car or character in most soft wares.


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