Sunday, August 8, 2021

More about the Covid Shot and The Supplement Covid Shot


Some people say take the shot while other say do not take the shot. My father thinks you should take the shot while my mom said " It's a bad idea." 

People that are doctors and experts say take the shot and Doctors that are African American say take the shot. My dad showed me doctors that are experts and if not enough people are not vaccinated then their will be a virus that can kill us all. which that mean we might become extinct.

The government is scared that it will get to that point. And we have not found a doctor that said " Do not take the Vaccine." 

At first I do not know if it's a real Covid shot or not and I am started to thing it sounds like it's probably better the nothing and the is the only way to get reed of Covid.

My mom told me that are some doctors that say do not take the shot and a girl died from the vaccine but it might not been the vaccine it might of been something else. My mom thinks it had something to do with the vaccine. 

Most Covid Vaccine people say saved peoples life's. 

A guy took Supplements was healthy and strong and he died from Covid. Supplements help but it's not enough to get reed of Covid you need a supplement that is like the Covid shot but healthier.

My father said some people died from supplements to but Covid supplement nobody can died from.

Maybe there should be supplements that get reed of Covid but it gets reed of Covid with out putting chemicals in your body or there should be a Covid Shot that has nature Health stuff in it that gets reed of Covid.

There should be Covid Shot 2.0 It's a type of Covid shot that had healthy stuff in it and it also has Supplements in it too and it gets reed of Covid at the same time. Ad the good thing is no body can died from it and it will agree with everybody's body and nobody will be allergic to it.

People said were did Covid 19 started from we don't know it might come from bats or the Chinese government made a chemical but if it's a chemical they should get reed of it or get sued. 

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