Spike Rockers bullies Hamish because Spike is bigger and stronger than Hamish and he picks on him but Hamish know some Martials art.
Even if Spike is Stronger Hamish has more technique in the Martial arts that is why he can kick Spikes but and Spikes wonders why Hamish can beat him up and Spike feels like Hamish is not supposed to be able to beat him up.

Hamish father says different " It's technique that Matters not how stronger are big you are." and Hamish father is grumpy but unless he loves his son.
Hamish fathers name is Hamish Sr. Hamish is called Hamish Jr. or Hamish the second. Hamish Fathers name is also Mr. Woo.
Hamish Mothers name is Sun Fieldman and she keeps her maiden name. Sally's Fathers Name is Mr. Jakers Foller. Sally's mother name is Nina Jeans Foller but her name is Mrs. Foller.
Jeans is the last name that Nina was born with.

His dad also wears glasses and has a hair under his mouth and a mustache
Hamish has a real cousin named Angel Fieldman Changers and she has sons named Riley and Hamishso and her husband name is Darrold Changers
Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.
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