Saturday, March 10, 2018

Getting lost in space and other allens on other planets

Getting lose in space is not good because if anybody is lost in space people will never see those people ever again and and if any body is lost in space any body can die because they is no oxygen in space the is no air.

Before they send people up into space they had to send a dog into space and the scientist did not know where the dog was and the dog died.

There was a person I heard he almost got also in space but thank got he did not.

In the future like probably thousand of years in the future if people are lost in space scientist will know where there really are and space I do not care how far those people are far in space if they are lost scientist's will really know where they are in space because the space camera's will be more advance in the future then these days.

The future space camera's will find the person really quick if there are lost in space and then scientist will send this rocket ship  without people in it and the rocket ship will push the other rocket ship that the other person is in and finally the person will get back home to earth very safely.

Any body will be floating in space because there is not gravity to pull us down. Nobody can visit planets out of or solar system because it's too far for scientist to see even with there camera's and that is how scientist will lost people in space now people can just go to mars.

Hopefully in the future any body can go to planets out of our solar system and not just mars because all scientist will know where people really are in space because the space camera's will be more advance in the future.

And if other life forms are lost in space scientist will know where any life from is because they space camera's are more advance. Final the Scientist on Earth will send this satellites and the satellites will bring any life form back to there home planet. And scientist will know which planet each life form live because space camera's will be more modern and advance.

And these days people do not know if there is other life forms on other planets but in the future any scientist will really know if there is life forms on other planets or not and they will know what the other life forms will really look like because space camera's will be more advance and more modern in the future. Space camera's are getting more advance every year.

Probably in the future we meet other life forms on other planets and those other life forms will have similar space camera's as those people do on  Earth.

For example these days if there is really other life forms on other planets and they make rocket ship and one life from get lose in space that will be the end of that life forms life but in the future the other life forms on other planets will created space camera's that are more advance and they will know really know where the other life from is in space.

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