So at the animal aquarium today and I was at the aquarium called Jenkinson's.
I told the woman the worked there that story of the girl was surfing and her arm got biting off by a shark but doctor put her arm back in the woman said " Sharks do not want to eat people the person might look like a seal the the shark and sharks like to eat seals because they are strong swimmers." i said " Seal might be strong swimmers but sharks have strong teeth and jaws."
And the woman that work there knew all about the animals and I told her what I knew and I said " I know frog live up to ten years and there will be 100 years old in frog years and if the frog is 2 in frog years it will be 20 in frog years." She said I was right it like similar to that. I said most insects live to a year. The woman that worked there said I am right they do not live that long.
I also told her my dad has read Parrots are not that smart. she aid Parrots are very Smart." They are trouble makers but there very smart. I saw Penguins and the woman that worked there said " Most penguins live in Africa." and there are two types of penguins that live in the south pole The Emperor penguin and I do not remember what the other type of penguin is called.
I also read Penguins around New Zealand and Australia. Then we went up stairs at the aquarium and I know turtles are the same age as human years and The turtles that you keep as pets they live between 30 to 40 but the sea turtles live until 80 years old some turtle live up to 100 I heard if they are lucky. Some people guess that some turtle are 400 to 500 years old.
When I went upstairs I saw parrots I do not remember what type of parrots they are but I heard they can live up to 100 years old I asked the woman All Parrots age like people years she said "yes." But I look on the internet it say the Kakapo Parrot can live up to 95 years and the Hyacinth macaw does not live as long they live just up to 50 years I guess it depends on the Parrot Like maybe 50 is old for that parrot but not old for the other one.
Penguins people can not tell if a penguin is a male or a female unless they had body test or any x ray and I saw tags I asked the women what color are the tags for each gender she said it does not matter but I said " What if people do not know." The women said the penguins that have the tags on the right side are boys and the penguins that have the tags on the left side are girls I guess that is how the aquarium works.
If I had any aquarium all of the male animals will have a blue tag and all the female animals will have the pink tag but if it's any male animal that is naturally stronger then the average male animal the animal will get a dark blue tag or if any female animal is naturally stronger then the average female animal they get a yellow tag.
Lets say any average female animal will have a pink tag but if they workout they get a yellow tag to because they are naturally the average female but they workout so there not the average female any more. For example lets say any average male animal will have a blue tag but if the animal works out the get a dark blue tag and that is because they are the average male naturally but there not the average male any more.
So Penguins I said "they can not fly because of the chemicals in there body." The women said I was very close and she said " penguins can not fly because there wings are to small and there bones are to sold and strong."
I saw a seal up stairs and the woman said the seal which is a girl has been in this aquarium for 26 years but when the seal was only a couple years old and woman saw the seal on the beach and the seal did not look that good and the woman called the police and people who know how to take care of animals and the seal was at a animal hospital and the seal she had a cut on her stomach and in seal version she was crying and screaming a lot in my opinion because it hurts and the seal was just a baby.
People had to take that poor seal to the aquarium because people where afraid she can not survive with the predators and people where afraid the seal will not eat.
People knew the seal name Lucy was blind and They know she is blind because probably scientist have camera's so they can know what she sees Lucy use to see images but know she just see pitch black even if she open her eyes. But people did not know what Lucy has seen before and how she got the cut on her stomach. Maybe a boat hit her or an animal bit her or she hit a rock. These are more facts about seals.
If they survive the dangers of being a pup, seals are relatively long-lived animals. Both species often live longer than 30 years and one female grey seal in the Shetland Islands was known to be 46 years old.
My mother said " I guess that's why seals bump into stuff." I heard the seal that I just saw she my just saw pitch black but the seal does not bump into stuff and she knows her way around because she has a high sense of hearing. There was another seal but it died from cancer I heard they do not know why the seal died from cancer but I think it has to do something with air pollution.
It's like a dolphins they see just back but they have a high sense of hearing like if a person is getting attacked by a shark the dolphin protects that person. Dolphin's live up to it depends which one Striped dolphins live up to 55-60 years and Pantropical spotted dolphin live up to 40 years.
Killer whales live up to 29 years and Short-finned pilot whale live up to 45 years.
Nobody really know how the seal got the cut " I said maybe in the future there should be under water camera's that are good for this planet and if we have camera's under water we will know what really happen to the seal if there were camera's under the ocean." I said some thing like that the seal was like 26 years old the woman said " The seals years are the same ask human years." I asked her.
The Largest seal is the Southern Elephant Seal and They weigh about 8,500 pounds if it's a male the females are smaller and they weigh 2,000 pounds they weigh more then a car still.
Usually most insects live up to only 1 year but this is what I found on the internet: Ms. Frizzle: With so many varieties of species that is a very hard Questions to answer to scientist.
Some insects such as the mayfly only live one day. On the other hand, there is a queen termite that lives in the tropics, and some scientists think this queen termite can live for as long as 50 years! This aquarium is in Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey.
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