Once upon a time they was the pilot flying the plane every thing went fine until the plane shook the plane was over 1.000 feet up in the sky next their engined failed then engine 2 was on fire then a fire alarm went one.
The Pilots do not know what was wrong with the plane but they knew some thing was know right then the plane shooked 9 times the pilot said " That we might be crash landing.
The planes was crashing the passages where screaming and the Pilot trying to land the plane and he trying to cotrol the plane but is was inpossble to control it then the plane was on fly the plane was going down fast the passage all got up from there seats and tried to open the door as hard as the can when the plane door flow open when the plane got closer to the ground the passages then jump out of the planes really fast because they do not want to die.
After the passage jumped out of the plane the same plane crash on land and exploded then fire trucks came becuase the plane was on fire. Went the Passagers Jumped out of the plane the surive but got sersiously hurt. Abulance trucks came and rush the passangers to the hospital some of the passangers doctors said that some of these people might never walk or take a bath on they own agian.
but those passagers that surived the plane crash proof them right some of those passage are in wheel chairs but there can cook take a shower and clean the whole house by themsleves even tsome of those people where in wheel chairs that did not stop them from vaccum the house in a wheel chair by them selfs.
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