Upon upon a time there was a dad named Dukey Arrons and He meant this women name Chrisy Magee Dukey and Chrisy got married and 4 years later they had a baby girl named Sandra Arrons.
Chrisy the mom and Dukey the dad had agruments because Dukey would work out side of home and said to Chrisy your are lazy!"
While Chrisy is a stay at home mom who does chores around the house taking care of Sandra. Chrisy saids to Dukey you say I am lazy it would be nice if you change Sandra's diapers and help me!"
Dukey saids to Chrisy I changed plenty of diapers so don't get it twisted !" Chrisy said I do the most changing diapers around here!"
The next day Dukey was going to a Job interview in Japan and He saids " I will be back in 3 weeks."
When Dukey was at his Job Interview in Japan his Wife Chrisy called him and said" Dukey when are you coming back home!" Dukey said in a month and then the next day his wife called then he changed it to 3 month and the next time he change it to 6 month then 9 months.
So Chrisy was taking care of Sandra of 5 months all by her self. Then Chrisy Sister Riley came and said " Sis what is the matter you too stress out and you been crying? Chrisy said I feel like a failure as a mother I want to be a prefect parent to Sandra. Riley said. Sis nobody is the prefect parent you are a good mother what is going on between you and your husband.
Chris told her Sister Riley everything about how her and her husband get into agruments and how she cleans the whole house and take care of her new born baby Sandra and how her husband left and when to Japan for a Job Interview and her keep changing it to weeks and months of when he was going to come home agiian.
Riley is Sandra Aunt that has first meet her niece Sandra when she was first born and she would come by and visit her niece every day.
Riley said "you Chrisy you can't take care of your baby by your self to should take a mother and a father to take care of a baby and babies are hard work if your husband is not taking care of your daughter at the moment I have to help.
Chrisy said Thank you Riley for helping me! Riley help Chrisy a lot around the house and Riley even helped changed Sandra's diapers.
Then 3 years Laters Sandra will see her father once in a blue moon and Sandra was more closer to her Aunt then her father.
Next when it was Sandra's 5th birthday party Her Mom and her Aunt Dressed as Clowns and Sandra's asked her mom when is daddy coming. The Mom said you father will be here soon I promise your my daughter.
Aunt Riley yellied and screamied said to Dukey the father where are you your suppose to be at your daughters birthday party a hour ago!.
Then Dukey screamed and said Well I have to work and make money so My wife and my daughter will have a roof over there head and your just playing games and I have to work go bye! then Dukey hangs up the phone.
Sandra started crying and screaming becuase her father whould not show up to her party.
Chrisy and Riley notice something was not right with Sandra and they went to the doctor and the doctor said " Sandra has Autism. Chrisy and Aunt Riley started to cry when she first heard this. Aunt Riley said "I will try best to take care and help my Niece Sandra."
They had to start the party with out her father. Years came by Not only Dukey missed her daughters birthday partys over the years he also missed her school gradutations.
When Sandra was in school in the first grade she was always get into fights with girls who bully her becuase according to what she said " The girls said you dad does not want anything to deal with you becuase your annoying !
Sandra's Uncle Michael that is Chrisy brother will alway come over and help cut the grass and do the outside chores because Chrisy does not want to pay someelse that is not family to cut her grass for her.
That Night Dukey came to the house and said to Chrisy this is my house I pay for this house first. Chrisy and Dukey got into another Agreement and Aunt Riley said Dukey Don't scream at my sister Chrisy like that.
So Dukey said " Get out of my house!"
So he kick Chrisy and Riley and Sandra out of the house. Chrisy was like were will I live I do not have enough money to pay for a house for the business I have that I work from home." Aunt Riley said you can live with me Crissy and Sandra's
Sandra's father will always scream ate Sandra becuase he does not know how to deal with her special needs like her mother and her Aunt have.
Sandra's Uncle Michael yellied at Dukey and said you supposed to be a father to this child if your not then do not have kids in the first place Sandra told her Aunt and her mother everything how she is getting picked on in school!
Your not beeing a good father telling her maybe if she stop asking the same questions over and over kids won't have to bully her what kind of father says that to there daughter and to tell you the truth I been a better father figure to Sandra more than you and I am not her dad I her Uncle for crying out loud!
Years later went Sandra was a Teenager she wanted to tell her dad tha I was in Theray and anger mangent class for the rest of my life Aunt Riley said " Don't tell you father becuase his family is screwed up because your dads parents your grand parent on your father side had died from cancer recently you know that right !
Sandra said Right! Aunt Riley said " After when you Paternal Grandparents dad he was suppose to give half the money to his sibling and he decided to keep it to hime self,
You know that your fathers yongest brother and sister are selfish becuase they live in peoples houses for free.
They where your Paternal Grandparents second favorite kids becuase they are the youngest of you fathers siblings and Your father was the first favorite becuase your father was you paternals grandparents first son and first child.
Your father cares about money more then his own wife his own family and even his own daughter that is you.
Your mother will always promise you that your father was going to be at you birthday parties and gradutations and he never shows up.
And I talk to your mother about this and me and her will have agruments about this becuase she will say you father will be there even his never shows up and I hate to say this my Niece I do not if you ever going to see your father agian it's sad but that is how it is now."
Sandra started crying and havings tantrums becuase she was angry at her father.
Chrisy Said Riley why did you tell her this Aunt Riley said I know your trying to making your daughter feel better but when you promise her her father never show up to her parties are anything I am trying to help you and you daughter.
Chrisy said I unstand Sis I know you trying to help me and your niece.
The same girl named Joan that bullied Sandra for Years another girl with autism said to the mean girl name Joan Hey leave her alone!"
Sandra said That for standing up for me what is you name. The other girl with autism siad her name is Leni Bishop. Sandra told Leni everything about her life and how she got bullied and everything about her family. Leni said " Yeak my family is the same way to and my dad did the same thing as your dad did.
So Sandra and Leni started ted hung out after show and their families met each other and Leni Mothers Name was Terry Grant and she got a divorce wih her husand Jack Bishop. Terry said to Chrisy my daughters are going threw a hard time with bullying and Leni has been bullied to.
Leni Aunt Lyn met Sandra's Aunt Riley Magee and Leni's Aunt Lyn Grant said I have changed my nicece diapers to when her father when to a job interview in South Korea.
Leni called her father on a zoom call and said how come you never came to my birthday parites and stuff. Leni's father said to Leni well I have to work the Leni told Sandra to look on her phone and Sandra could not beilieve it she saw her dad with Lenis dad they have met before Leni and Sandra because Sandra and Lenis fathers are both co workers and became good friends.
Leni dad and Sandra's Dad Jack and Dukey both said to there daughters well we have to work good bye! and the hung up and bocked there daughter on the phone.
Leni said to Sandra " I can't believe that our dads know each other we got to tell our moms. They told there moms and Chrisy and Terry said you know how you dads know each other because they work for the same company and they are friiends because they bother agree with each other about they wives being lazy in there opinion becuase you know why both of you fathers are friends becuase they are both selfish dads that's why.
You are luck and blessed to have aunt that where like a secone Parental figure to you and you Aunts helps yours moms take care of you girls and Don't listen to that girl Joan Me and Sandra's mom have seen her be mean to you guys and Your and Sandra are right Joan is mean because she is rich and spoild and his both parents that spoil her and she does understand how bullying feel liek because she hardly almost never got bullied even if Joan thinks she is getting bullied.
Chrisy said I think God had made your girls meet because your family's are going threw there exact same thing or simliar. So that you girl can unstand each other. So Leni and Sandra hungout and had a girls night out and they Uncles finally met each other and there families got close and had a good time. The end.
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