Friday, February 28, 2025

The Monster Devil Plane Crash Story

 Once upon a time they was the  pilot flying the plane every thing went fine until the plane shook the plane was over 1.000 feet up in the sky next their engined failed then engine 2 was on fire then a fire alarm went one.

The Pilots do not know what was wrong with the plane but they knew some thing was know right then the plane shooked 9 times  the pilot said " That we might be crash landing.

The Dad who leaves his daughter story

 Upon upon a time there was a dad named Dukey Arrons and He meant this women name Chrisy Magee Dukey and Chrisy got married and 4 years later they had a baby girl named Sandra Arrons.

 Chrisy the mom and Dukey the dad had agruments because Dukey would work out side of home and said to Chrisy your are lazy!"

 While Chrisy is a stay at home mom who does chores around the house taking care of Sandra. Chrisy saids to Dukey you say I am lazy it would be nice if you change Sandra's diapers and help me!"

Friday, February 21, 2025

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Subdivde Cube and soldify circle animation