Thursday, March 6, 2025
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Friday, February 28, 2025
The Monster Devil Plane Crash Story
Once upon a time they was the pilot flying the plane every thing went fine until the plane shook the plane was over 1.000 feet up in the sky next their engined failed then engine 2 was on fire then a fire alarm went one.
The Pilots do not know what was wrong with the plane but they knew some thing was know right then the plane shooked 9 times the pilot said " That we might be crash landing.
The Dad who leaves his daughter story
Upon upon a time there was a dad named Dukey Arrons and He meant this women name Chrisy Magee Dukey and Chrisy got married and 4 years later they had a baby girl named Sandra Arrons.
Chrisy the mom and Dukey the dad had agruments because Dukey would work out side of home and said to Chrisy your are lazy!"
While Chrisy is a stay at home mom who does chores around the house taking care of Sandra. Chrisy saids to Dukey you say I am lazy it would be nice if you change Sandra's diapers and help me!"
Friday, February 21, 2025
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Subdivde Cube and soldify circle animation
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
More about I want to make my art softwares and My art goals
I first started drawing wihen I was 3 years old and I used to draw on paper and I used to drawing basic stick figures my art does not look as good as now and that is how I started I drew on paper since I was 3 to 14 years old everyday.
Next when I was 16 My father showed me this art softwared called that is a 2d art software My father showed me how to make triangles and squares I said to him there is probalby no circle in that software in that software but he said " there is a way to make circles but I just do not know how." Then I saw the shape that said Ellipse and I said " I think the Ellipse shape is the circle because the Ellipse is shaped like a circle, So My dad click on it and he said " Your right.
Then I made 2d characters with and My 2D art got better. at one point I use human templates to make animations with #d Daz software and my father also so me that software I did not make that character it was a template that some one elese made so I can animated that character.
Then I had a Math teacher that I was 17 showed me a software called Blender a 3D Modeling software I did not know how to make anything in blender the first art I did in blender was I 3D Modeled a snow man.
then My art became images 3d models that was it at that time their was no 3d animatmation Then I tried making characters.They did not look good at all. Then I watch tutorals on Youtube How to make 3D Animation in blender and Not I made 3d animations of the Solar system trees grow flowers blooming a waterfall explsions.
Now I want to 3d Model My own 3D characters from scratch and I want then to look as good as Pixar and Disney and Then 3D Model Animals as good as Pixar Then 3D Mdel cars and Planes and Trains and Boats and Ships as good as Pixar and Then make house and Buildings as good as Pixar I want to increase my art skill and not be on the same level.
Then I want to make TV shows and Movies out of My 2D and 3D characters That I make from scratch.
After 20 or 30 years of 3D modeling Then I want to make my own art software where that is a mixer of a 2d and 3D model software in one.
So Blender is of sculpting and 3d Model and animation, Z brush is more for sculpting characters Maya is more for animation.
And my art Software Is for Scuplting charcters Box Modeling characters draw 2D art and 2D and 3D animation.
This is how I want my Art software to work if you want to 3d Model characters go to Box Model mode or sculpt mode, If your want to make 2d character go to draw 2D mode.
If you want to make the sphere look bigger are smallier hit S the scale if you are in edit mode if you want to seprate face from your sphere click ctrl S to seprate if your want to select you object click alt S.
If you your want to do The proportional editing in blender your click on O but in my software it's P because I can not make the softare exactly like blender it has to be different because They might think I am coping Blenders Ideas. In my software if your want to smooth your object left click then click on smooth so the sphere or shape does not like pixelated.
If you want to delete your 3d object click on the delete button if you want to duplucate a object click on ctrl D.
if you want to join a object click on alt J,If your in the Mathamatics Node and you want to group node click on G to group the node. In my sofeware Mathamtics nodes is just like Geomtry nodes in blender but instead it's called Mathamtic nodes.
and finally I want to make dolls based on females characters and actions figure based on my male characters.
I want my dolls and action figures to be made out of plastic simliar to how they create Barbie dolls and other action figure that is see on TV and instore.
But except I would make this chemical that I put on the doll so their hair can grow like a real persons hair that is safe to play. The dolls with last longer then any doll that you see on TV Because it will be better made and it with be not easy for them to break because They are the dolls that with last for 100 years or longer if they are lucky.
I picture my doll to be tallier and thiner then Barbie and Have High check bone like the models that you see on TV but I would also make dolls out of my cartoons characters that are not all skinny,
Some of My dolls I want to created are Skinny, Fat some of them are Musclar and also some are them are medium size, becuase not every body is the some size and the probelm with barbie is they make the dolls all slim and most of them are the same size or a simiar size as each others.
But the dolls That I want to make are on a similair size at all they are different shapes and sizes and to make dolls that look like people in the real world.