Friday, August 2, 2024

Gas cars vs Electric cars vs Solar cars vs Mix wheather solar cars Everthing should be good for this planet and stop pollution

 We all know that gas cars pollute the air before at one point people didn't now cars pollute the air and now people know and they just do not want to listen and they do not care. The oceans are rising and some people say "ohh it's just a little every year not a big deal." Well if you compare the oceans in 1200 ad and now the oceans rised a lot or to much.

If people do not control the gas vehicles that pollute the air the polar zone will melt and all the 7 continents were people live will be under water and some people I know said I do not think thats going to happen in 1,000 years but how to there know it could happen sooner then a thousand years if people keep polluting the air with cars and other vehicle.

I think gas cars and any vehicle that pollutes the air should be banned all over the planet not just in the Unsited States because this is serious.

Well electric cars came out after gas cars and Electric cars are better then gas cars but they were made in a factory that pollutes the air and electric cars are run by this battery that pollutes the air to. So electric cars are better then gas car but it's still  not the best choice.

This is what my mom said " That is would make solar cars that gets it's power from the sun that is the best choice."

I kind of agree but it's not always sunny out like what if it's night time and the solar car lose sun power because the moon is out. They need to come up with something else like a Mixed weather solar car like it's gets it's power from the sun and not only it gets it's power from the sun when it's night time it gets it's power from the moon and when there snow it gets its power form the snow and when it's raining really it gets it power from the rain.

And mixed weather solar car will also get it's power from the rainbow on rare occasions. Becuase rainbows happen rarly.

there should be mixed weather solar car,planes trains,boat and rockets ships any vechicle you can think of should get there power of what ever the weather is outside wather it's windy, snowing, raining, sunny out or even if there is a rainbow sometimes. And factors that Pollute the air they should make those factor good of the eviroment like for example solar power factors instead of factorys that have gas coming out of them that pollute the air.

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