Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Family Trees


Family Trees  in the family tree you have your parents,Aunts and Uncle which is the siblings of your parents and your grandparents.

Then you have your siblings and your cousin. Lets say you cousin had a baby there with be called a second cousin or cousin once removed. They always say 4th cousin cousin twice removed and cousin twice removed or cousin 3 times removed and it gets confusing.

Their should be a easier way to say like cousin once removed or twice removed instead they should say this for example. Lets says your cousin had a baby thata a girl and your are a female cousin your will be called a Auntala to your cousins baby. And you cousins baby with be called your nieceala.

Lets say if you cousin had a baby and you are the male cousin to you cousin baby boy you will be called a Unclelo and the the cousins baby will be called youd Nephewlo.

The Auntala and The Unclelo doesn't have to be the parents sibling it's really the parents male or female cousin. 

Lets say if it was your Grandmothers cousin The granddaugter or the grandson with be called a Grand Nephewlo or a Grand Niecela to the Grandmothers Cousins Grandchildren and the Grandmothers cousin with be called the Grand Auntala or a Grand Unclelo if the Grandmother had a male cousin.

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