So Luisa ,Wendy,Seven ,Melinie and Nijah became friends with each other because they are the most popular girls in school and even if they where at different schools at one point they all girls became in the same school as each other because they are in a school that helps kids deal with problems. Melinie said " Nobody Likes you baldys because we popular girls with long hair are a lot prettier than you!" Hazel was crying because she wants to have long hair like the popular girls.
Monica said " You leaves us alone!" Wendy said "Make us we will never leave you alone because you miss baldys are uglier then Ugly Betty!"
Lusia said "We Hate You Hazel and Monica nobody likes you the only people who would every love you is your parents !"
Monica said " My mommy said bald is beautiful!" Nijah Laughed and said " You mama is a big fat liar if you were pretty you will have beautiful long hair like we popular girls in school Ha Ha Ha !!!"
Monica told the teacher and the Teacher said "Monica and Hazel ignore this girls there being mean."
Nobody got in trouble and The mean girls never learned their lesson. Hazel and Moncia Mother agreed with each other that the means girls parents do spoild them a lot. Moncia and Hazel mothers got upset at the teacher because they did nothing about to stop the bullying.
When Hazel and Moncia had Lunch their mothers Jana and Kana said "is school okay?" Moncia said "we did not want to talk about it mom."
Hazel Mother said " We heard the popular girl still keep calling you names because they have hair and you don't. let me tell you some thing you are beauitful just the way you are just because you have hair does not mean you prettier then some one without hair every body beautiful in their own way."
"Thats right ." Said Miss Kana. Moncia said "Thanks Miss Jana and Mom." One Day Wendy said Moncia we have dolls with beautiful hair even my dolls are prettier then you.!" Monica said "your just jealous because you not bald and beautiful."
Lusia said " why would she be jealous if your the ugliest girl in the whole planet because you have no hair!"
Hazel and Moncia said to their moms "all of our dolls are prettier then us because they have hair." Their moms where said " Has Wendy and her friends make fun of you again?" Monica said "Wendy said her dolls are prettier then me because they have hair I just want to have hair!"
Moncia Mom said " well we have something that will make you feel better." Hazel and Moncia wanted to wear wigs but they moms were like you should be proud and be confident and they do not need a wig to be beautiful they moms want them to be of being bald because bald is beautiful.
So Jana and Kana Moncia and Hazels mothers gave them dolls with no hair and the girls screamed with excitment and joy they we the most beautiful dolls they have evry seen they said : " Tahnks Mom your the best!"
The Next day Hazel and Moncia brought their dolls Wendy came over and said "thoughs bald dolls are the most ugliest dolls I have even seen in my life my dolls are way more beautful than yours."
Hazel said " Yeah we do not care what you say Wendy we thinks our dolls are beautiful !" So Wendy got so mad and she and her friends broke Moncia and hazel barbie dolls and they started crying to there moms and they moms ave the even more dolls without hair.
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