Wednesday, June 15, 2022

abortron pills should be banned

 Abortron pills are pills that kills your unborn baby for example lets say your husband forces you to take abortron pills and the wife wants to keep the baby if you husand gives you the abortron pills he will not get aressted because is legal and that should n't be.

Abortron pills should be band and if any one who is taking them or is force to take them by a family mememer your or the family memeber should get arressted because that is un born child abuse and I hope you can get in trouble for that and Maybe I should take people to created that rule because yoour taking away you unborn childs life and it's a sin agianist God!

Who ever that takes abortron pills should be arrested and even if they do not get arrested they or some else that is force them to take them will be punish by God and in big trouble. Because God knows laws it's always right only God is always right.

What kind of idiot will make abortron pills to make money that is a stupid way to make money and no more abortron pills wether you want to have a kid or not. Abortron pills should know on be a illegal. Or if you take abortron pills there should be a needle that can get the abortron pills outs of you body before it kills your unborn baby.

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