Monday, August 27, 2018

How All Building can be a lot stronger then an Earth Quake or a Tornado

Well I said in the future People will make all house and buildings and vehicles and houses stronger when a huge Earth Quakes and Tornado's.

I also said that means No Tornado or Earth Quake can knock down no vehicles and buildings because They will be a lot stronger and more powerful then Tornado's and Earth Quakes.

My Dad said " But The Houses are on the ground and the ground splits that can make building split to. I do not know if people can make buildings a lot stronger then Earth Quakes or Tornado's because Nature is stronger then people.

Well I think it will be hard but I think scientist can make all buildings or vehicles that can not knock down even if there is a tornado or an Earth Quake.

People are Nature To and nature Might be more powerful but we humans are more powerful in creating things or building stuff.

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