There was a boy name Timthoy and we was watch a turtoal on how to make 3 nice explsions that show in a second and then goes away. Timthoy watched the video on how to make 3 small explosions on the TV screen with out messing ever thing up.
Timothoy press the wrong button by mistake and all of the TV channel blew up and it show a huge explosions on the TV screen.
Then Timothoy parents said" Timothoy Smith ." what is that noise. The father siad " Ohh!" no you ruined all of my channels and the channels on the TV screen are on fire. now the TV guide is on fire. The TV guide on The TV screen exploded.
Timothy laughed and took a video of him destroying his dads channels. Timothy did the same thing on his dads laptop he was suposed to make 3 small explosion on his computer screen but he made one big explosion on his dads laptop screen instead. The dad gotso mad he spanked his son and Tim's mom said " Stop do not spank him I do not belive in spamking."
Timothy's Dad said " He needs a spanking he ruined my channels and my computer bowsers and he but him ruining my channels on youtube!"
Timothy's mom said " It's a addicent he press the wrong button while he was doing a Tutorial."
Dad said " Well maybe he shouldn't watch that stupid tutorial and be more careiful I do not care it was aaccident."
Mom said " You watch TV all day and maybe you son timothy is just bored because your wroking and watching TV and you do not spend time with your own son Timothy."
"It's a good thing he did blow up the whole TV but he could have if he was on careiful but he still ruined my TV channels." said Tims dad.
Mom " Said we Have money to buy another TV in plus that Tv that you have is old is not a flat screen TV."
so the dad said " I am noyt buying 1,000 bucks for a new TV the TV was working until Tim destroyed all of my channels that is another way you can break the Tv Too!"
So the Mr Thomas. Smith Tims dad and MIss Gina.Kooper Tims Mom went to the store and buyed another TV. Tim wanted to watch the new Tv but is father will not let him.
Tim was punished for what he did so he said " You never spend Time with me and you never let me watch TV thats it I'll get my own!"
"You not get another TV and I have to work !" said dad "why not! Said Tim. Dad said" First of all this is my house so you have to obay my rules and two you buy no bills in this house and you ruined my channels as hard as I work to payed for those channels no."
Mom said " Thomas come he siad he was sorry and he did not mean to laugh it looked funny to him do you think he is old enough to have his own TV in his room!"
As long he is living under my roof he never getting his own TV in his house if he wants his own TV then he has to have another place to stay!"
Timothy sad " Ahh!!!! I'm 16 you can't keep treating me like a kid Dad!" Dad said " As long your living in my house your a child in my eyes."
So the mother seek to give Tim a new TV for his room she said . "Just do not tell your father."
But that did not last long dad broke tims TV and Tims said " why did you destroy my TV what I did was a accident."
Dad said " well that what you get for destrying my TV!" Mom and Dad had a agurement and statred crusing at each other yelling at each other. Timothys baby June sisiter said keep it down I'm trying to sleep."
Dad said " all you do is sleep !" Timothys younger brother said ' You all making to much noise."
Mom said " Stop !!!! This family is mess up we need family counseling." They went to therapy and the therpist listened to every thing they talked and thing got better when they went to counseling.
but the fmaily is still at counseling.
Explosion that Blew up all of the TV channels
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