Sunday, July 18, 2021

Covid Supplements Vs. The Covid Shot

 The Covid shot It's probably best not to take it because It can cause blood clots and it can mess up your DNA and get you sick and die.

Some people died from the Covid shot. My father said " Maybe they had a allergic reaction to it like some people can not eat nuts and some people can eat nuts. " That is what my dad said.

Yeah Nuts and the Covid shot are two different things. If you eat nuts some people can eat nuts and othe can die from eating nuts.

But the Covid shot people are thinking it's okay for most people now. But in the future they might say the Covid shot can be just as bad as the Coronavirus.

Like who knows what will happen in the future. Instead people should make Covid Supplements what the Covid Supplements do is it gets reed of Covid and it would not kill any body and nobody can died from the Covid Supplements because the Covid Supplements is like the Covid shot but they are Covid supplements that comes from nature and is a healthier way to get reed of Covid.

The Covid Supplements does not cause blood clots and does not mess up your DNA ether it just get reed of Covid and it will be the real thing to get reed of Covid.

People should take the Covid Supplements instead.

 I do not know if the Covid shot is safe because some people say it's safe and some people say it is not safe. Some doctor say take the Covid shot while other doctors say do not take the shot.

So my opinion of the Covid Shot is it's probably best not to take it if it's gonna kill some people and mess up Peoples DNA.

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