Monday, May 27, 2019

My own art soft ware

My own art software is called Mixed 2D and  3D is a 2D and 3D software. If you click on to 3D view you can only make your own 3D characters if you click on to 2d view you can only make you own 2D characters.

There will also will be this color wheel in the soft ware and is just has Red, Blue,White and Yellow but you can make your own colors on the software as well.

 For example click on red and blue and it will make purple and click on yellow and blue and it will make green or click on red,white and yellow and it will give you a human skin color.

also click on to red and yellow and you will get orange. And I will show you a picture. You can also make you own color wheel on this software by mixing the colors on this soft ware.

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