But theirs a problem then electric cars need to be plugged and that electricity that come's from the power plant can cause air pollution.
The car need the electricity to make it work but But in the Power planet it makes and other word to say it is generate the electricity that is not good.
Scientist should make power plants good for our planet and if the power plant generates the electricity it will be good because power planets will be good for or planet. Scientist should make those outdoor machine that are good for our planet crush every stuff that is bad for hour planet and the outdoor machine can tell which things are good for our planet our not.
If anybody tries to drive or fly and airplanes that cause pollution to the air any body can get arrested because their are not following the rules and their are using stuff that is bad for our planet. It's February and it's been hot for February but I still get cold very easy.
February use to be one of the coldest mouths now it's warmer then it should be. I boy at my school today he said "It's the first day of spring." he was joking then I looked at the calendar and the first day of spring is in march 20th not today. I said not every thing he says is true.
Rocket ships can cause pollution to the air to I did not ask people I figured it out for my self because a lot of stuff we use is bad for our planet. Rockets ships and every should be good for our planet. So there might be less snow and we might not get any more snow until thousands of years in the future at the rate people are going using stuff to mes up the air.
But if people start using everything that is good for our planet then we might get snow in a year our maybe February will be as cold as it use to be.
There was a time where vehicles and buildings where around there was no south and north pole and Alaska use to be warm and then over time that is when the North and South pole came know I do not know exactly why the climate change there where no vehicles or factories back in those days maybe animals did something to cause the air pollution and the climate change to I do not know for sure I am just guessing