And if a person shoots another person in the army and the other persons family will be very upset at the person who shooted their family member because it's like their taking their family member's life away.
This is how the Military should work for now on any body should shoot some equipment and no body in the army will be allowed to shoot each other and it will be illegal all over the whole planet and if people shoot each other in the army any body will get arrested if they try to shoot each other because any body can die and any bodies family will be very sad if they die.
Hopefully that will happened in the future in the army and hopefully the armies rules will be different.
If some one shoots some one in the army some one might face them in the face because they killed a person and if some one punches a person in the face they can break a person's jaw if there jaw is not that strong if any that has a jaw that is very strong it's not going to break that easy and if any body has a jaw that is very weak it could break easy.

Every body does not have a strong jaw and that's okay and if you are born with a weak jaw any body that has a weak jaw will have a weak jaw of ever and if any body that has a strong jaw
they will have a strong jaw for the rest of their life.
Nobody no's if their jaw is strong until they get punched in the face. Instead of people getting punched in the face maybe people should go to the doctor and they have this camerea and after the doctor will know if any bodies jaw is strong or not because doctors will have camerea's
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