But if you just trying to help even if your not trying to steal there ideas and trying to help the creator any will still get sued even if there not trying to steal the creators characters. So that person can lose a lot of money for doing that.
So that is why I put the cartoon's that other
people created on my private blog but I want them to go to my private blog my dad said "No Lon the creators can still sue you even if it's on your private blog."
So in the future if you steal the creator of the cartoons characters and if you try to change them for no reason you will get sued but if you try to make a point of how the character act's and trying to help the creator.
The character is going to think " well maybe that person is not trying to steal my idea's but trying to make a point of how my characters act on the show."
So they can not sue the other person for trying to help them like that. But hopefully that will happen in the future because the Government will work different.
These days people have to be careful on the internet like try not to put stuff that most people hate or do not put private pictures in the internet and also do not know go on to sites you do not know because some one can put a computer virus on your computer.
Everybody should be very careful on the internet and do not try to start quailing on the internet because if you type to some one that your going to kill them that you can get arrested for that to.
And if some one is saying bad things to you on face book take the person off as a Face book friend because there are sick people on the internet.

Hopefully in the future no body will have to be careful on the internet because there will be only nice people on the internet and the internet will work different.
These days if the creators want no body to steal there cartoons of know reason they should say that and copy right it to the government.
It should be like that in the future to. But if a person is not trying to steal nobodies idea's and trying to help the creator and if the creator sues that person the creator of the cartoon will get sued by the government and they can lose a lot of money.
That is because if a person is trying to help the creator and not trying to steal there idea's or trying to make a point how the character's act on the show if any creator sues that person that is trying to help them with there cartoon the creator of the cartoon will get sued by the government because the government will work different in the future hopefully.
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