Women's Maiden name is personalty to any body if they ask them because it's the society. If people ask "why women have maiden names not men?" and Other people will say "I did not know."
I was going to ask people that but I realized that It's has to do with the society and men where in control and have the power.
And probably back in the olden days women do not want to change there maiden name but they had to because men had more power and no women had no power so women did not have a choice so they had to change into there husbands last name.
And that is probably where it all started and probably women want to keep there last names and men say no body know to know your maiden name it's nobodies business and that is why society says that and society is wrong.
And probably what happen in the olden days was if any women said her maiden name that men will beat them up.
The idea's Maiden names is hundreds of years ago this all started in England those people take something from the bible and made it a law and it was the cover law and hundred's of years ago in England last names where not that important back then just first name that are Christian names because it was not a lot of people back then and these days last names and first names are important because there is a lot of people will the same first name.
And the man and woman where one couple but the thing is the man cover's the women that mean's a woman is not allow to keep her maiden name when she gets married she has to change into her marriage name but men when they get married do not change into there wife's last name because men had more power and women where more of the weaker ones
For example lets say if a persons name is Riley Draper and the other person have the some first name but there last name is Feldman and if same ask "where's Riley" and people might say "Riley who?" because back then people will not know which Riley you are talking about because a lot of people's names are Riley.
So these days that is why a last name is very important so if both people have the same first, middle or last name and both people have the name Riley George Blanks and you talk about them people will not know which Riley George Blanks your talking about so that is why in the future people can show a picture are people can have a computer or a cell that reads peoples mind and people will say " I know which Riley gorge Blanks your talking about."
So if women get married and they have their husband's last name so if women have children they have there father last name and if they have a daughter will have the same last name as the father but if the daughter gets married then she will have to change her last name to who ever who is marrying her.
In my opinion that is probably why women want to keep there maiden name private because it's like in the olden days women at first did not want to change their last name and then all of a suntan they want to change there maiden name because if they did not they can get in trouble by the law and women could get in big trouble by the law.
society stop this nosiness and if women do not want the change there maiden names they do not have to and that is why you make women want to change there birth name and God give women a free will so I am saying to all women keep you maiden names if you want to do not let society say it's personal and make you change your mind of changing into you husband's last name.
In the future a maiden will not be private because society will understand that a maiden name is just a name and it's not going to kill any women for asking them so I guest a maiden name is not so personal after all A maiden name is a name that women where born with it's not like if you ask them if you make number one or two in the bathroom that is very personal that should be personal forever because it's nasty.
Bachula is what they called an Unmarried Man and they Man might say "it's none of you business what my Bachula name is." if he has to change his last name to his wife's last name.