Saturday, September 7, 2024

Flowers change color


Muscluar woman named Trudy


Thursday, September 5, 2024

My characters dressed as insects



Jack dressed up as a fly, Miss.Jackalyn dress as the black widow, Rosita dressed as the lady bug, Maryum dressed as the honey bee and Cady and Tracey dressed as the Butterflies Nick dressed as the ant and Drew dress as the grasshopper and Mr. Abraham dressed as the scorpion

Hucalusa, Tarzana,Miss Bobby and Eva


Friday, August 30, 2024

Whirl pool


Gender sign Jokes and it has truth to it

 Well I saw the gender bathroom signs the Mens bathroom say get beat up and the Womens bathroom said get yelled at. I think the made that joke because.

Men are more aggressive phyically because men will try to beat you up if you start to have a agrument and women yelled and scream at each other more because women are more talkers and their are more agressive verbally.

So I made my own gender bathroom sign joke and you should see This Picture below.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Family Trees


Family Trees  in the family tree you have your parents,Aunts and Uncle which is the siblings of your parents and your grandparents.

Then you have your siblings and your cousin. Lets say you cousin had a baby there with be called a second cousin or cousin once removed. They always say 4th cousin cousin twice removed and cousin twice removed or cousin 3 times removed and it gets confusing.

Their should be a easier way to say like cousin once removed or twice removed instead they should say this for example. Lets says your cousin had a baby thata a girl and your are a female cousin your will be called a Auntala to your cousins baby. And you cousins baby with be called your nieceala.

Lets say if you cousin had a baby and you are the male cousin to you cousin baby boy you will be called a Unclelo and the the cousins baby will be called youd Nephewlo.

The Auntala and The Unclelo doesn't have to be the parents sibling it's really the parents male or female cousin. 

Lets say if it was your Grandmothers cousin The granddaugter or the grandson with be called a Grand Nephewlo or a Grand Niecela to the Grandmothers Cousins Grandchildren and the Grandmothers cousin with be called the Grand Auntala or a Grand Unclelo if the Grandmother had a male cousin.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Gas cars vs Electric cars vs Solar cars vs Mix wheather solar cars Everthing should be good for this planet and stop pollution

 We all know that gas cars pollute the air before at one point people didn't now cars pollute the air and now people know and they just do not want to listen and they do not care. The oceans are rising and some people say "ohh it's just a little every year not a big deal." Well if you compare the oceans in 1200 ad and now the oceans rised a lot or to much.

If people do not control the gas vehicles that pollute the air the polar zone will melt and all the 7 continents were people live will be under water and some people I know said I do not think thats going to happen in 1,000 years but how to there know it could happen sooner then a thousand years if people keep polluting the air with cars and other vehicle.

I think gas cars and any vehicle that pollutes the air should be banned all over the planet not just in the Unsited States because this is serious.

Well electric cars came out after gas cars and Electric cars are better then gas cars but they were made in a factory that pollutes the air and electric cars are run by this battery that pollutes the air to. So electric cars are better then gas car but it's still  not the best choice.

This is what my mom said " That is would make solar cars that gets it's power from the sun that is the best choice."

I kind of agree but it's not always sunny out like what if it's night time and the solar car lose sun power because the moon is out. They need to come up with something else like a Mixed weather solar car like it's gets it's power from the sun and not only it gets it's power from the sun when it's night time it gets it's power from the moon and when there snow it gets its power form the snow and when it's raining really it gets it power from the rain.

And mixed weather solar car will also get it's power from the rainbow on rare occasions. Becuase rainbows happen rarly.

there should be mixed weather solar car,planes trains,boat and rockets ships any vechicle you can think of should get there power of what ever the weather is outside wather it's windy, snowing, raining, sunny out or even if there is a rainbow sometimes. And factors that Pollute the air they should make those factor good of the eviroment like for example solar power factors instead of factorys that have gas coming out of them that pollute the air.

2 woman ladys in dresses


Saraya and Ruth

House building


Thursday, July 11, 2024

My art


Daniel and Daniella Duck


Sunday, June 30, 2024

I am writng a story called the gold digger kidnapper and the cheater

Once upon a time Matthew and Kim where dating everthing went great then wanted to have kids But Kim could not get pregnant because something was wrong in her body. Things Started to charage she thought that Matthew was rich before she date him then she found out he was poor but Mat theated her good.

But one day Kim wanted to find a man who was rich and she used her husband Matthew for his money behind his back Matthew knew that kim was acting strange and finally he found the Kim is a goldigger Matthew said " I loved you woman and you betraied me and try to chated on me for a rich man!.

The next Day Kim was traying to find Matthew and Matthew was dating another woman named Mariah. Kim said " what is this Matthew you cheating on me for another woman I am your wife. Matthew Said "Your cheated on me first Kim to find a man that is rich now your see how it feels to get cheated on I am sorry Kim but where done!

Kim slapps Matthew and and Mariah and said how could you do this to me Matthew then Mariah slapps Kim back and said " Kim you know wha you did was wrong and you where being a jerk to my new Husband Matthew now get out. of My house.

Mariah and Matthew had kids together and Kim saw Matthew agian and said Please Matthew I want you back. Matthew said " No after all you done you tried to cheat on me for a rich and weathy man! and Mariah cares about me for who I am.

The day after Matthew hear Mariah screamed and said our kids are gone and Matthew looked every where and he hear a ring on the phone and it was his ex wife Kim and Mariah said" Where is my kids do you know where they are Kim tell the true!!! 

Kim said you mean these kids. Mariah said Mat Kim has our kids what our you doing with our kids and don't hurt them.

Kim said you stold every thing for me Mariah and you stold my man and now you will never see those kids agian Hah ha  ha!!!. Mariah said Kim why would you still our kids. Kim said For many year I wanted to get pregnant but I couldn't I was never pregnant I deserve those kids more then you How come you can get pregnant while I can never get pregnant you will never see those kids agian I am their new mommy now!!!

Mariah said "Matthew we have to find our kids Kim has kidnapped our kids. Mariah starts crying and Matthew Says Don't you worry we find our kids Lynn and Ciara!!!

Matthew and Mariah looked evry where to find there kids. Kim was driving she said to Mariah and Matthews Kids named Lynn that is age 6 and Ciara that is age 3 stay in the car and don't move I am going to gett my nails done and stopping!!! Ciara started screaming and crying for mommy and daddy but Lynn her old brohter called Mariah and Matthew which is there parents. 

Mariah said Lynn are you and your sister Ciara Okay! and Lynn said "No we are in Dads Ex wifes Kims car and is locked and My little 3 year old sister caira is crying.

Mariah and Matthew looked on the angle app and they drived for hours to find and look for there kids.

Finally when Mariah and Matthew got to Kims car Mariah and Matthews kids looked like they where going to pass out  so Matthew broke the car window and Mariah opened the door and got those her kids out of the car Then Kim returns and said to Mariah and Matthews Kids " I told you little Brats to stay in the car and don't move a muscle!!!!

Maraih said " We got our kids out of the car you did a terrble terrible thing I thought you were just a Gold digger but no you are a Kidnapper as well the Police are on there way!!! Kim trys to run away but Mariah jumps on Kim and Kim says " Get off of Me!!! Then Matthew siad Officer My Ex Wife is there and The Police Officer said " Kim you are under aresst for child Kidnapping, Kim said " I get you kids and kidnap you whole family too. The Officer say get her out of he. Maraih said Thank you Officer for saving our kids. 

The Police Officer said Kim is going to jail for life. and Mariah and Matthew and their two kids  went on a family vacation to Florida because That Police gave them money to go to Florida the family had I nice time The End

New Bob ross like land scape painting


Lola and Angela

Black women




Friday, June 28, 2024



Nayana Tiana

Faith Kenya and Nona
